Bunkus on Ice by Feno & Sequinox (YGG Esports)

Bunkus on Ice by Feno & Sequinox (YGG Esports)
Sick of losing? Ready to speed-run your way to Dummy Thicc? We got you, fam! This deck is not just fun to play—it rewards skillful moves and racks up wins on the ladder. Whether you're climbing fast or refining your strategy, this guide covers everything—from key cards and smart plays to mastering your Ice and removal tools like a pro.
Deck List: Blue-Purple (Burple)

Bunkus On Ice

Important Note
This deck requires at least 1 Bunkus, Who Is the Stars to be playable.
If you only have 1 Bunkus, Who Is the Stars
, consider adding 1-2 Galaxy Penguin
and/or 1-2 more Cannonball Penguin
If you're missing Wut?
, Popcorn Penguin
, Galaxy Penguin
, or Prosperous Penguin
, replace them with 1-2 copies of Study All Night
, Blue Wizard Penguin
, Purple Wizard Penguin
, Adventure Squad
, or Keep Digging
If you don’t own enough Got 'Em!
, use Cool Story Bro!
instead or any of the previously recommended cards.
Overall Gameplay
The game plan? Ice cards from your deck, embrace the early-game vibe check loss for extra card draws, and slowly build your board & Ice. This deck is about playing your own game, with minimal interaction until the late game—where you unleash Bunkus, Who Is the Stars for the win!
Mulligan Strategy
This deck has one mulligan rule—if Penguin Who's OK isn’t in your opening hand, full mulligan. Penguin Who's OK
needs to be played by turn 2 or 3 for the deck to function. If Penguin Who's OK
isn’t down by then, the game becomes very tough to win. If you already have Penguin Who's OK
, then 100% keep Brainy Penguin
and you can consider Bottle Penguin
as well.
Early Game Strategy
The main focus for the early game is to deliberately lose the vibe check by playing low-vibe Penguins, increase your hand size, get your core cards down, and slowly increase your Ice to set your mid to late game. We are not too worried about taking control of the Baron early and building Rods up. This deck functions very well with 3-4 Rods.

Early Game Core Penguins
Penguin Who's OK
– The best Ice generator. It combos with every other draw engine.
Brainy Penguin
– A dual-value card that ices cards while recycling your hand. The best follow-up to Penguin Who's OK
, would always try to save it after we play all our OK Penguins from hand.
Bottle Penguin
– Another solid Ice generator, though with less synergy compared to Penguin Who's OK
. It also serves as a very good 2nd Blue Pudge for casting the actions.
Early Game Core Actions
Overwhelm With Knowledge
– A great cycle card. Synergizes with Penguin Who's OK
and is a lifesaver when low on cards from the ice, also allows you to use Bunkus, Who Is the Stars
as a rod and get him to the ice later when you wanna play him.
Got 'Em!
– Mainly used to remove Popcorn Penguin
(since it counters our entire deck). It can also eliminate high-value 2-Vibe Penguins and can be used at the final turns to prevent the opponent from winning the game by icing one of their units, good surprise factor.
Mid-Late Game Strategy
For the mid-late game, the game plan is simple. Continue building out your Ice, slowly build your board, control your opponent’s board with Action cards to stall their end game and finally win the game with Bunkus, Who Is the Stars.

Mid-Late Game Core Penguins
Popcorn Penguin
– Essential for stalling games out and it acts as removal against game-losing threats like Ascending Penguin
, Penguin Who's OK
, and opposing Popcorn Penguin
Prosperous Penguin
– A 2-for-1 value card that expands your board and lets you play a spell. Great for board control.
Bunkus, Who Is the Stars
– Your win condition.
Easy to Rod cause of the synergy with Overwhelm With Knowledge
A free discard option with Study All Night
or Brainy Penguin
Ideally played on the last or second-to-last turn to secure the win.
Two copies are crucial to add consistency to the deck, else gotta use Galaxy Penguin
During the returning to deck phase, prioritize Action cards and/or high-value Penguin cards like Penguin Who's OK
and Prosperous Penguin
Mid-Late Game Core Actions
Spring a Leak
– Counters Flop/Ice effects that target Bunkus, Who Is the Stars
as well as counter card draw action cards.
Adventure Squad
– Primarily used to Ice high-value Penguins, control the board, and stall the endgame. Don’t need to use it until later on or when your opponent plays some Penguin with annoying effects.
Bunkus on Ice is challenging to master, but once you get the hang of it, it's an absolute powerhouse. Don’t get discouraged if results don’t come right away. With time and practice, you'll climb the ladder and hit Dummy Thicc in no time!
Best of luck in Season 0—see you on the ladder! 🚀🐧