Vibes Deck Guide: Yellow Aggro by #1 Dummy Thicc Loffee

The Ultimate Guide to Loffee Yellow Aggro in The Vibes TCG

Loffee Yellow Aggro

Welcome everyone! Today we’re diving into my take on the yellow aggressive deck in The Vibes TCG. This deck holds a special place in my heart as it’s the first deck I ever built and the one I piloted to reach the coveted Dummy Thick rank. In this guide, we’ll cover the deck’s composition, mulligan strategies, and overall gameplay strategy. We’ll also take a look at some gameplay footage to see how the deck performs in action.
Deck Composition
The Loffee Yellow Aggro deck is all about speed, card draw, and quickly overwhelming your opponent. The goal is to hit 15 cards as quickly as possible while maintaining pressure with a wide board of penguins. Here's a breakdown of the deck’s components:
Card Draw Package
Card draw is critical in this deck to reach 15 cards quickly. The following cards make up the core of the draw engine:
Prepare for a Wild Night
(4x): One of the strongest draw cards in the game, capable of drawing multiple actions depending on your deck composition. The deck includes five actions and eight penguins, which is the optimal balance for maximizing this card’s potential.
Check the Yellow Pages
(4x): Draws the top three cards of your deck and lets you keep all yellow penguins among them. This card works perfectly with the deck’s heavy yellow penguin count.
Penguin Who Might Bring a Plus One
(4x): An excellent draw tool, especially for low-cost penguins. This card shines when used with penguins costing two fish or less.
Penguin Who Zooms
(4x): A key synergy piece that allows you to return Penguin Who Might Bring a Plus One
to your hand, enabling repeated use for additional draws.
Removal Package
While this deck avoids using too much removal to stay aggressive, some situations call for it:
Daydreaming Penguin
(4x): A cheap, effective tool for removing smaller threats while doubling as a yellow penguin.
Not Your Keys
(4x): Unconditional removal that allows you to ice any problematic penguin.
Penguin Package
The penguins in this deck are focused on maximizing early aggression and efficiently utilizing resources:
Flying Penguin
(4x): A cheap one-fish penguin that helps establish early board presence and pressure.
Penguin Who's Late to the Party
(4x): A flexible card that functions as a finisher in the late game or a solid mid-game option.
Pot-Stirring Penguin
(4x) and Yellow Wizard Penguin
(4x): These two penguins produce two Pudge each, enabling consistent access to your action cards.
The deck runs two powerful finishers:
Buddy Up
(4x): Arguably the strongest finisher in the game, it provides a global Vibe boost that is difficult for opponents to counter. Its only major weakness is Green Mega Penguin
Put Your Flippers in the Air
(4x): A single-target finisher that can push a penguin’s Vibes to astronomical levels, often hitting 20 or more.
Flexible Slot
For the final slot, the deck runs Penguin of the Falling Leaves (4x). This card works well in both early and late-game scenarios and synergizes with both finishers. Alternatively, you can consider Gotam if you’re facing decks with critical low-Vibe penguins like Ascending Penguin
or Popcorn Penguin
Budget Substitutions
The only rare card in the deck is Penguin Who Might Bring a Plus One. If you don’t have all four copies, you can substitute with Mysterious Penguin
. While slower, it provides pseudo-removal and serves as an additional yellow penguin for Check the Yellow Pages
Mulligan Guide
When mulliganing, the key is to prioritize:
Early Card Draw: Look for Flying Penguin
and Check the Yellow Pages
to set up your game plan.
Avoiding Finishers: Always mulligan away Buddy Up
and Put Your Flippers in the Air
. These cards are only useful in the late game.
Pudge Generators: If you already have card draw, consider keeping Pot-Stirring Penguin
or Yellow Wizard Penguin
to ensure you can play your actions efficiently.
Strategy Overview
The Loffee Yellow Aggro deck is highly aggressive, aiming to overwhelm opponents with a constant flow of penguins and actions. Here are some key points to keep in mind:
Play Fast: Your primary goal is to hit 15 cards quickly. Play penguins, draw cards, and keep the pressure on.
Assume They Don’t Have It: Often, you’ll need to play as if your opponent doesn’t have the perfect counter. For example, don’t let the possibility of Yum Yum
stop you from committing to a win.
Plan Your Finishers: Use Buddy Up
for wide boards and Put Your Flippers in the Air
for single-target bursts. Be mindful of potential counters like Not Your Keys
Lose Early Vibe Checks: This deck prefers to lose early vibe checks to maximize draw potential. Only pivot to winning vibe checks in the late game.
Gameplay Example
Opening Hand:
You’re looking for Flying Penguin and Check the Yellow Pages
. Avoid keeping finishers or expensive penguins unless your hand already has sufficient card draw.
Early Game:
Turn 1: Play a rod and pass.
Turn 2: Deploy Flying Penguin
or Penguin Who Might Bring a Plus One
for early board presence and draw.
Turn 3: Start building Pudge with Pot-Stirring Penguin
or Yellow Wizard Penguin
Focus on playing your card draw actions (Prepare for a Wild Night
and Check the Yellow Pages
Establish a wide board with low-cost penguins like Flying Penguin
and Penguin Who Zooms
Late Game:
Once you hit 14 cards, play Buddy Up
or Put Your Flippers in the Air
to close out the game.
Be mindful of counters like Yum Yum
or Not Your Keys
Closing Thoughts
The Loffee Yellow Aggro deck is an excellent choice for players looking to climb the ladder quickly. Its linear playstyle, fast games, and high win rate make it a strong contender for competitive play. While it has some weaknesses, particularly against board clears, its strengths lie in its speed and consistency.
If you’re new to The Vibes TCG or just looking for a fun, aggressive deck to pilot, give this one a try! If you enjoyed this guide, please subscribe for more content, and feel free to share your feedback or deck ideas in the comments or on Discord.
Good luck and happy vibing!